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by Nicole Elliot

Smudging, Clearing & Crystals, Life Paths, Guides, Ghosts & More

Psychic Medium Services

About Nicole.

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Allow me to introduce (or re-introduce) myself! After spending most of my life in hiding and shame, I decided, at age 25, to finally accept the fact that I can see “the living impaired”. I have lived with this since I was a little girl. Age 8, to be exact.


I had to hide it from friends & family… (I even hid it from my ex husband for the first 5 years of dating!). Then I took the leap, and decided to be true to myself. It has made such a difference in my life! With that journey, I realized how my friends and family (even strangers – long story) were being impacted by my gifts.


Once people starting learning about me, my energy was exhausted & impacting my mental health… so, my biggest cheerleader (thanks Dad!) told me to open a business. So, I left my day job & jumped into this head first in 2020.


As many of you know:

1) I don’t fit into a "society approved" box

2) This is more than just a job for me. How many of you have I cried WITH you during your reading?

3)Your reading is probably not going to go the way you think it will. Spirit leads the reading. Messages could be on romance, family, grieving or advice on how to get you out of a slump. This advice DOES NOT come from me… it comes from your passed away loved ones.

3) I am real. I am not afraid to spit the ugly fire of truth. Good, bad or ugly. If your loved ones tell me, I am going to pass the message. You need to hear it or they wouldn’t have told me.

4) I have turned SO MANY non-believers into believers (I am a little cocky about that)


What I have found over the course of offering my Mediumship gifts to the public: is that keeping our spirit healthy, is just as important as keeping our physical body healthy. The "secret" to my success is that I genuinely care about my “clients”. I am a neutral in the room when I am with you and your passed loved ones… but each person who comes into my home (via video, phone call, or in person) is now a part of my life. We impact each other. I have cried, laughed, & kept so many secrets with each and every one of you.


Thanks for checking me out and I hope to see you down the road!


Love & Light,



What to expect:


Relax your mind and release any negative energy.  A person can prosper most when they have a clear head.  Most services can be done via video chat, telephone or in person.


If you have never had an experience with a Medium before, you may be asking... “what is a reading?” 


A Medium tunes into the “aura” or “energy field” of the person that they are reading for, to gather information. They can do this for living or non living people in our physical world. Nicole has the ability to connect to loved ones who have fully crossed over and those who may still be struggling with crossing over. Not all Mediums are able to connect to those who haven’t crossed over.


Nicole can see spirits and images that they may show. Often she can hear them speaking in her thoughts. Some spirits will have full conversations, while others send emotions or physical cues. Nicole tends to pick up on personality traits or specific physical traits your beloved enjoyed while in their physical form.


Each spirit is different. Some prefer to show images or clues, while others may prefer to chime in the conversation, as if they were sitting with you. Each soul is different. Some are very good communicators, while others may struggle with it.


If you would like to receive the best reading possible, come with an open mind. A healthy amount of skepticism is to be expected in this business, so at the very least... do your research before choosing someone to work with. Read reviews & social media pages.


The Spirit guides the reading and may not always give the information you are wanting to know. Since they know what is for your highest good, sometimes they can withhold information. Nicole cannot see your future, as we each have a very individual life path that can be altered depending on free will. The spirit is in control and Nicole is just a translator, so to speak.


Demanding answers or controlling a reading can end a reading very quickly. Some answers may not always make sense right away. Some images may not make sense right away. It may be months or years before a certain image “comes to light.”


Normally, the individual you want to come through commonly does... however, for a reason beyond our control - some do not. Do not get discouraged. When the time is right, they will come.


One person is allowed per reading. If you are interested in a group message, then please feel free to contact A Small Medium.

Contact A Small Medium to learn more



â—‹ Evolve your dreams  â—‹
â—‹Understand your life path â—‹

â—‹ Know your loved ones are well â—‹
â—‹ Believe in extraordinary â—‹
â—‹ Create your future â—‹
â—‹Heal misconceptions â—‹


If you are moving, selling, remodeling, or just experiencing a feeling of sadness or spirits in a space, you may want to consider a visit from Nicole to clear the property. This can increase success and profitability, remove any bad energy and intention, as well as provide protection from negative spirits and forces.


This service provides a one on one spirit guide driven reading. Many people experience passed loved ones coming forward during this time.  In several occasions, the spirit may deliver messages to help them on their individual life path. Tarot and Oracle cards may be used during your session.


Energy balancing with the use of crystals provides an enhanced healing process. Laying stones aids in releasing any etheric, emotional, mental or spiritual blocks.

Tarot readings are intended to provide an individual with resources to make informed decisions. Since your life path can change in the blink of an eye, this provides you insight from your subconscious on how to continue.


“Pure clean energy. Normally when I open up for reading I am drained. Not this time. Would do it again. Thank you for your insight.”

— Brandon


© 2023 A Small Medium

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